Thursday, January 3, 2008

Winter in VT After Christmas

I spent several days way up in northern Vermont, having the luxuries of civilization provided not by basic electricity but by my dad's array of generators, inverters, solar panels, and who knows what else. I went snowshoeing with my mom and the dog which was fun until I fell through the ice of the pond up to my knees. We came up to what looked like a dip in the snow where a river fed into the pond and when I tried to jump over it I just kind of slid down and once I hit the ice I just kept going. I was stuck pretty good since I couldn't get a grip on anything. When I got out my toes were about as freezing as they have ever been but as far as those kinds of experiences go it wasn't that bad.

We went snowmobiling a couple days too. We came across a whole herd of deer on the trail and followed them for a ways. They were the biggest deer I had ever seen and their coats were a deep red with snow white patches.