Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Texas Hill Country Horseback Riding

Trevor, Diego and I left Fredericksburg and stopped at Colbert Ranch on the way to Austin to do some horseback riding. I rode Rocky who was afraid of rocks, Diego rode Jesse who was a pokey, lazy horse and Trevor rode Skippy who was a rather stubborn horse. The guide explained that Rocky wasn't wearing shoes towards the end of the trail which explained why he would always stray off the path where the ground was soft and walk me into a branch. Trevor really got into it halfway through. He thinks he's a cowboy now because the Game Red Dead Redemption apparently teaches you everything you need to know about horseback riding.

The country we rode through was beautiful. We traveled through big field filled with Monarch butterflies and walked across rivers. The guide let us help untack and groom the horses before walking them outside to the pasture. Some of the horses were pretty friendly and stuck around to be pet for a minute. I think Rocky is the softest horse I have ever touched. I think he enjoyed being pet.

Above are pics Diego took. We had other great ones too but of course I reformatted the disk by accident and there they went. I'm still upset about that :(

Later on that night we reached Austin and went out for Brazilian BBQ. The food and drinks were great. Diego went back to the hotel to do homework and Trevor and I took a carriage ride around the Warehouse district before going back and soaking in the hot tub.

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